
Ticking-off for pro-right to decide judges

Promoter of Disciplinary Action reproaches unethical conduct of 33 judges who signed manifesto

Catalonia is not a nation and saying so is prohibitted, or at least anyone who dares to will be reproached by the General Judiciary Council. This is the conclusion that can be drawn from yesterday's decision by the Promoter of Disciplinary Action Antonio Jesús Fonseca-Herrero. Fonseca-Herrero “censured” the attitude of the 33 Catalan judges who last February signed a manifesto in defence of the right to decide.

The resolution means the filing of the case, above all else because the attitude of the judges is protected under the fundamental rights of freedom of expression and opinion.

However, Fonseca-Herrero added that the judges committed a “breach of ethics” by making a statement that “has no regulatory support and contradicts the constitutional doctrine.” The statement that deserves such reproach is none other than “Catalonia is a nation”. Fonseca-Herrero believes that such statements attack the Spanish Constitution and lead to “diminishing public confidence in the judiciary”.

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