

Generalitat wants all schools to have tailored plan for bullying

The Catalan Minister of Education, Meritxell Ruiz, announced yesterday that all state and private schools in Catalonia will be required to implement a plan to prevent bullying within three years, if they do not already have one. Plans are to be designed considering the specific features of each school and include mechanisms for peacefully resolving conflicts, as well as actions for intervention. They are to be based on the three central tenets of prevention, intervention and organisation and include a description of the situation at the school prior to implementation of the plan, the design of its objectives, evaluation indicators and deadlines established by the plan.

Ruiz said she considers this an “important step” to prevent bullying that will also contribute to “educational success”. “We are in an increasingly complex society where coexistence is more necessary than ever,” argued the minister, which is why her ministry is making the resolution of any conflicts in the classroom a priority and has launched an app to help schools develop their plan.

Ruiz also highlighted the important difference between the Catalan and the Spanish Ministry of Education's similar plan, as the Catalan one is designed to ensure each school has its own plan tailored to its particular needs.

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