
Protocol for school violence set for May

The protocol against violence in schools will be approved by the joint committee of the the Education Department and the unions next month, it was announced by government sources yesterday. The text, which provides continuous markers aimed at preventing attacks on teachers and students began to take shape following the murder of the teacher Abel Martínez by a student just two years ago in a secondary school in Barcelona, but has made little progress in recent months.

The death of the teacher, although both the Department of Education and the teachers agreed was an exceptional incident, marked the beginning of the debate on violence in schools in general and, in particular, attacks on teachers.

To mark the second anniversary of the death of Martínez, the unions have demanded more resources to deal with violence in schools and that the government speed up the implementation of the protocol. The unions had previously asked that the administration would prosecute in the case of any serious assault.

This afternoon at 6 pm, unions have called for an assembly in memory of Abel Martínez which will propose that April 20 be declared a day against violence in schools and have asked for the immediate implementation of the protocol.

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