
Tale of Seven Kingdoms

HBO’s blockbuster TV series filmed in part in Catalonia returns to the small screen in its 7th season, promising to have more in store than the last

Winter is here. This seems to be the theme behind the 7th season of Game of Thrones. So far, it has been a distant threat in the background, behind the wars, revenge and crimes that have occurred in the Seven Kingdoms. The human struggles are marked by greed, but it seems that there is a greater threat than any so far encountered coming from the Western Wall and the White Walkers, bringing with it a possible apocalypse.

As the series has progressed in its multiple parallel stories we have come to love and hate various characters and many of those have disappeared. The bad guys have served to create situations of great dramatic force and to show how this conflict for power is a frightening thing. With the arrival of the 7th season there is a change in the general outlook of the series and we finally start to realise that things are coming to a head.

A number of the previous sub-plots now make more sense as characters begin to move towards each other promising romance, betrayal and alliances. Long awaited possibilities now seem more realistic.

Perhaps viewers who were waiting for things to happen in the 1st episode of this latest season may have been disappointed, but in fact, many things did happen. The stage,. we might say, is set, and it is a little easier now to see how things could build from here. What is clear is how things are mapping out. Key figures are moving towards positions they have chosen as a base to progress from. Objectives are more clearly defined. There is a little more sense in everything. Daenerys Targaryen’s final line in episode 1 explains all: “Shall we begin?”

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