
The Vatican as mediator?

Catalan government approaches Cardinal Omella and Abbot of Montserrat to pave way for contacts with Vatican Secretary of State Pietro Parolin

The vice president of the government, Oriol Junqueras, has had conversations in recent hours with Cardinal Joan Josep Omella, Achbishop of Barcelona, and the Abbot of Montserrat, Josep Maria Soler. Although details have not been disclosed it would seem that Puigdemont’s government wants Omella and Soler to intercede in the hope that the Vatican could patronise bilateral talks between the Catalan and Spanish governments. The Church is no newcomer to mediation and has a good track record which could be valuable in mediating in the Catalonia-Spain conflict.

Oller, as amember of the Congregation of Cardinals has regular contact with the Pontiff and has previously offered his services as a mediator in the Catalan issue. Abbot Soler is a well respected figure in church affairs and known for his keen world view.

While it would be difficult initially to reach the Pope hmself, a realistic aim would be to make contact with the Vatican Secretary of State, Pietro Parolin.

The principle stumbling block at present is the central government with Rajoy showing little sign of interest in any mediation at all. Added to that, Oller’s relationship with the Spanish Curia us not always smooth and at present, Rajoy is unhappy that the Spanish Espiscopal Conference published a pastoral letter on September 27 which, while expressing the need to respect for the Constitution, did not include the usual reference to the “sacred unity of Spain”, instead positioning itself nearer to the social policy of the Church which accepts the right to self-determination and in line with the Catalan Curia.

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