
On the point of rebellion

The judiciary’s professional associations reject “political interference” in instances such as the cases involving the Catalan independence process

Angered by the disrepute caused by politicians and hard pressed in personal and material resources, the judiciary is one step away from rebellion. The four main associations of judges and magistrates in Spain met together on Tuesday to discuss whether to initiate actions in defence of the independence of the judiciary in the face of what they call, “political interference” and the “silence” of the judges’ governing body: the General Council of the Judiciary (GCJ).

The undenied calls made to magistrates of the Constitutional Court judges by members of the Rajoy government and the announcement of a judicial calendar regarding Catalan independence made by the minister of justice Justice Minister Rafael Catalá, was the last straw for judges who believe in separation of powers, and public servants who are in the service of citizens, not the government of the day.

Sources which do not wish to be quoted have reported that the Catalan issue especially has led to conflict within both progressive and conservative sectors which in most cases find little basis in law for the measures which have so far been taken. While there is obvious criticism based on political bias as well as legal opinion, the judges have banded together to defend their professionalism and demand protection under the law. Judges who have been brave enough to defend the rights of separatism and have admitted complaints against police action have been criticised in many circles. The rejection of charges of rebellion and sedition in most legal spheres is also shared by many judges but making such opinions public is another matter.

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