
No change in enrolment

The 2018 enrolment form dispels fears of a parallel line in schools based on language of origin; State admits it cannot use 155 to make changes in system

The enrolment form for schools for the 2018-2019 academic year will not include an option for parents to choose the language their children will receive their schooling in, according to the details published yesterday in the Generalitat of Catalonia’s official bulletin (DOGC) containing the resolution approving the rules of application and registration of students from pre-school through to secondary schools.

In fact, there is no mentioned at all of any changes in linguistic content with respect to the previous years and as before, simply asks parents of first-time enrollees what their native language is and if they wish to apply, if necessary, for programmes to assist in language learning. As a result, the shadow of a compulsory parallel line of schooling based on the language of origin has been averted.

In February, Spanish authorities announce that they would use Article 155 to include the controversial option of Spanish as a vehicular language of choice for parents following demands by the AMES union which in fact is not represented within the school system.

The announcement caused a massive backlash from the education sector as well as parental organisations in protest to what was seen as a move to bring an end to the Catalan education system and especially the linguistic immersion programme which is in practise in all Catalan schools. The central government said that it would use the controversial organic law of education (Lomqe) to allow parents to choose and if necessary have the Generalitat pay for the service. Yesterday Madrid announced it cannot use 155 to change the system.

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