
Countdown begins

With less than three weeks before the deadline to invest a president JxCat has put the clock into motion to end its blockade and form of a government, thus avoiding new elections. Carles Puigdemont has called the group to Berlin this weekend and hopefully will name a candidate to end the discord privately voiced by some of the group in recent days. ACN sources say that a 4th candidate, in all probability Elsa Artadi, will be named. JxCat still want to try to force a change to the law governing the appointment of the president to allow Puigdemont to be invested, although there is little hope of that. Artadi is acceptable, at least publically, to most of the players, with the exception of the CUP and it is possible neither Puigdemont nor Comín will be able to vote. At this point, nothing is certain.

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