

Mediapro documentary to be used in defence of the “Jordis”

Jordi Pina and Marina Roig, the lawyers representing Jordi Sànchez and Jordi Cuixart respectively, will incorporate the “20-S” documentary into the defence of their clients as part of the judicial proceedings. The documentary, produced by Mediapro and aired on Catalonia’s TV3 this Thursday, is a compilation of numerous images and footage of the protests of September 20, 2017 outside the Catalan Ministry of Economy and at the headquarters of the CUP. “It reflects the reality of what happened and it will obviously be useful to introduce into the proceedings,” said Roig in the debate which followed the documentary.

Roig acknowledged that, although they already have large number of images citizens have sent them spontaneously, the documentary provides new information they wish to add to the defence. In this respect, Pina assured viewers that the documentary contains “very important moments” that can contrast the “dantesque version” of the Supreme Court judge in the preliminary hearing. The production, he added, is also relevant for defending the efforts of the Mossos d’Esquadra, led by Major Josep Lluís Trapero and his second in command, Teresa Laplana. The documentary, aired by TV3, was audience leader with an average of 982,000 viewers and a share of 33.7%.

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