

Vote passes to exhume Franco’s remains

The Spanish parliament yesterday voted to exhume the remains of Francisco Franco from his tomb in the Valley of the Fallen, the underground basilica that he had built near Madrid. The opposition PP and Cs parties abstained from the vote and questioned the urgency of moving the dictator’s remains from the monument to honour those who fought in the Civil War.

The parliament approved the exhumation with 172 votes in favour, 164 abstentions, and two votes against, which were cast by mistake.

“A dictator cannot be exalted: that is the summary of this debate,” said Spanish vice president Carmen Calvo before the vote, adding that “there is neither respect, nor honour, nor justice, nor peace, nor concord as long as the remains of Franco are kept in the same place as the victims.” Calvo also said that the remains would be reburied wherever Franco’s family decide.

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