

Thousands march against Vox in BCN

Thousands of people, 3,500 according to local police, yesterday filled Barcelona’s Passeig de Gràcia to protest the rise of the far-right in Europe, and the Vox party in Spain. Under the slogan “STOP VOX”, the march included dozens of different interest groups representing such issues as anti-racism, feminism, immigration, independence and anarchism alongside unions and cultural associations.

Among public figures on the march were government members, such as labour minister Chakir el Homrani and equality secretary Oriol Amorós, along with Barcelona deputy mayor Gerardo Pisarello, and party political representatives, such as CUP’s Natàlia Sánchez, Francesc de Dalmases of Junts per Catalunya and Socialist Ferran Pedret. Also present was the vice president of Òmnium Cultural, Marcel Mauri, and the union leaders, Javier Pacheco (CCOO), Camil Ros (UGT) and Ramon Font (USTEC).

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