
“The church needs to open its doors”

The Catalan prelate speaks to El Punt Avuí of the role of the church in the changing order of cities

Is the church providing the answers needed for modern large cities? This is the question that was under the scrutiny of intellectuals and experts such as sociologists and people from the world of IT in a conference just before summer, and now in recent days, 25 cardinals, who came together in Barcelona to study their conclusions and present their findings to the Pope. One thing that Sistach is clear about is “the concept of the parish as we understood it is no longer valid as people are no longer so tied to their local community”, he said. Does that change everything? Sistach doesn't think so, “Brotherhood and solidarity, that is the presence of God among the people.”. What he does believe is that the role of the church must change. In tonight's interview Sistach paints a picture of a church being led by Pope Francis in new directions, moving with the people, speaking openly of matrimonial crisis, the welcoming of people from outside the Catholic faith and providing real answers to real challenges.

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