
Mossos investigated

Catalan police asked to inform the State Prosecutor regarding the identification of citizens removing yellow ribbons in Terres de l’Ebre

The office of the Prosecutor General of Catalonia has found itself inside the web of controversies regarding the issue of the yellow ribbons, and yesterday announced it is undertaking inquiries in which it requires the Mossos d’Esquadra to inform the office “in a period of two weeks” regarding the identifications they made of “14 individuals”. Among those identified in the municipalities of Mora la Nova, Vandellòs, and Tivissa, on August 17 was an agent of the Guardia Civil. The identifications last Friday in Ametlla del Vallès also extend to the mayor of the municipality as they were carried out by municipal police officers.

The police investigation of the events in Terres de l’Ebre remains open, despite the fact that the president of the Generalitat, Quim Torra, explained yesterday that the people involved were hooded and carried dangerous tools. In addition, yesterday, it was learned that the Catalan Minister of the Interior, Miquel Buch, had accepted the Minister of the Interior’s convocation of the Security Commission in Catalonia, scheduled for early September, but advised that “the issues of coexistence and yellow ribbons” have been excluded from the agenda as “it is the competence of the Generalitat”.

The prosecutor’s investigation was opened following a complaint by a group who claimed that the identifications were “arbitrary and ideological”. The Prosecutor also wishes to be informed of the criteria used in the actions of the police and if they followed procedural orders. As well, the office has stated that the Mossos d’Esquadra must inform the Prosecutor of future, similar identifications.

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