

Maragall to reopen Catalan delegations despite appeal

The Catalan minister responsible for External Affairs, Ernest Maragall, yesterday chaired the first meeting with the Generalitat’s delegates in Germany, Italy, the United Kingdom, Ireland and Switzerland. The delegate to the European Union, Meritxell Serret, took part in the meeting by video-conference. This is Maragall’s first move in the phase of recovery of the delegations abroad that were closed as a result of the application of Article 155 of the Constitution following the dismissal of the previous Catalan government. Other delegations in France and the US will follow once the new delegates have been appointed for those countries.

The decision to move ahead with the restoration of the delegations was made despite the announcement by Spain’s Foreign Minister, Josep Borrell, to present an appeal against the delegations on procedural grounds when the reopening was announced but Maragall claims that his department has not been notified officially of any such appeal being lodged. He says he is confident the issue can be resolved without involving the courts and as well feels he will be able to do so shortly, at a meeting of the Generalitat-State bilateral commission in which issues related to foreign policy will be addressed and at which he expects the minister to be present.

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