
ANC calls for a unified strategy for the Republic

The pro-independence civic organisation, the Catalan National Assembly (ANC), yesterday called on the JxCat and ERC parties to set out “a unified and clear government strategy for the implementation of the Republic” before December 21. The ANC also demanded that the roadmap towards secession be coordinated with the CUP party and pro-independence organisations.

Should the parties in government fail to come up with a unified strategy, and in December “the differences of criteria continue, we will not support the government and will be critical and demanding, with demonstrations on the streets.”

The ultimatum comes after the ANC has for weeks postponed the drawing up of its strategic plan while waiting to reach agreement on it with the government, which in the end has not been possible.

The ANC leadership yesterday approved three documents. Apart from reviewing what has happened since the Statute of Autonomy was passed, the ANC passed a “quite critical overview” of the Torra government’s handling of the situation in making no progress towards the Republic and due to the “gaps between what is said and what is done.” The document calls for a unified strategy with CUP and pro-independence organisations, and demands the resignations of MPs unwilling to disobey the authorities.

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