

Autonomy talks between Torra, PSC and Comuns reveal divide

“Not much in common, and indicative of a great divide.” This would seem to sum up the conclusions of the meeting held yesterday between the parliamentary groups of Junts per Catalunya, ERC, PSC and Catalunya en Comú Podem, in which they explored their perspectives on the right to decide regarding self-determination. What little common ground there was to be found among the groups related to the existence of political prisoners, and the need to resolve the conflict via political means. Yesterday was to be the starting point for the same group, which, working together, forced a change of government at national level, which resulted in a softening, albeit minimal, in the State’s position regarding Catalonia. But on the question of self-determination, the main players in yesterday’s two-hour long talks at the Generalitat are all setting off from very different bases, from the free right to decide (pro-independence parties), a Canadian-style “Clarity Act” (Comuns), and reforms to the existing statute (PSC). The mere fact that the meeting happened, is nonetheless something to celebrate. The government announced more meetings, which it hopes Ciudadanos, the main opposition party, along with the PP and the CUP parliamentary groups, will attend, having declined invitations to yesterday’s.

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