

Díaz regrets not having used Catalonia issue to win votes

The open fight between Susana Díaz and the federal executive of the PSOE became more visible yesterday. Two days on from the party’s defeat in the Andalusian elections, the acting Regional President attributed her failure to Catalan pro-independence parties’ support for Pedro Sánchez’ government.

Her attack came during an interview with SER: “During the campaign, I told [the PP, Ciutadans and Vox] that they were wrong to talk about Catalonia, and that they should be talking about Andalusia.” In fact, “Rivera finished his campaign demanding a vote against the pro-independence parties in Andalusia“. “But I made a mistake,” the PSOE general secretary continued. “When they asked for a vote against the pro-independence parties, they knew what they were doing,” said Díaz, who reiterated her intention to seek the support of Ciutadans to continue her presidency over the autonomous region for four more years.

Meanwhile, the PP maintained its ambition to spearhead change in Andalusia, and Ciutadans, which came third in the elections, insisted on their candidate, Juan Marín, taking over the presidency of the regional government together with the PP, without having to depend on the uncomfortable support of Vox.

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