

Ecology, nature, biodiversity... and music

The BioRitme festival is a space to share committed and constructive music for a better world, in the unique surroundings of the Sau reservoir. One of the main pillars of the festival is its commitment to ecology and all the products at bars and stalls are 100% organic. In addition to talks and workshops on conservation of the environment, BioRitme offers a strong line-up, with SFDK, Zoo, Ebri Knight, Oques Grasses, Auxiliary, Clothes, Mafalda, Adala Tribade, Tranceuntes, Mabel Flores, Alide Sans , Pizarra, Las Texidoras, Ke Te Kalles (pictured), Mil en Rama, The Skarnivals, Landry El Rumbero and Broem.

BioRitme Festival
July 22 to 25
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