

Whatever happens, keep the dignity

Whatever the coming months and years bring, resolutely press on with underlining what this nation represents, with nation state deeds, fairness, tolerance and innovation.

Goodness knows what the headlines will be declaring by the time you are reading this, but Spain's constitutional court did what everyone expected it would. Yes, we knew, of course we did. But in the days and weeks that have followed I can feel the growing tension in the air, and with it the first chilling trepidation mingled with a deepening sense of injustice.

Notwithstanding the glaringly obvious question of what more the burgomasters of Madrid can do to further fuel the fire and foster the cause for Catalonia's independence, they have galvanised an unlikely opposition. I have Catalan friends who most likely would not vote to break away completely from Spain, but they are outraged that a simple referendum along the lines of the Scottish choice is being blocked.

As talks dominate town and city halls, boardrooms and homes, while ways to defeat the Spanish government's obduracy are discussed in corridors of power, what else can be done in the cause of self-determination?

Relentlessly show the world that Catalonia is different, able and ready.

Define it, with peace and dignity, because you are edging closer and closer to the centre of the global stage. The spotlight may or may not be fleeting, but billions of opinions will be cast in the blink of an eye. It always staggers me how wafer-thin most humans' knowledge of societies beyond their own can be in this information age, so accept the truth that despite some recent media attention the majority of the human race hasn't a clue of Catalonia's existence let alone its cause. Yet.

Protest? Absolutely: With resoluteness but without violence, however deep the passion and however potent the impulse or the provocation. Give the split second sound bite, low-attention-span watchers across all the continents reason to remember a calm steadfastness and certainty of rights, in startling contrast to the numbing aggressions plaguing our planet.

And whatever the coming months and years bring, resolutely press on with underlining what this nation represents, with nation state deeds, fairness, tolerance and innovation. Frankly, do things that neighbouring Spain doesn't.

Here are my three imperatives.

1. Clean up Catalonia day. I aired the idea earlier in the year. This would go to the heart of communities, galvanise the populous across the generations, foster goodwill and pride. It has to happen, as does a deep and lasting commitment to green energy and sustainability.

2. Re-evaluate education to its core, being mindful of the holistic principles I expounded in my September article and that were defined here in Catalonia in 1937. AND make English language learning a far higher priority. It sends a clear message about outward-looking Catalan's ambition, openness and place in the world, and fundamentally raises the opportunities for current and future generations.

3. Champion the arts far more, and then more still. Catalonia only has to weigh the extraordinary worth of its artistic heritage to realise there is much that can and should be done. Water the talent and it will bear fruit, culturally and economically.

So, dear reader, explore all the ways we can show the world what a creative, inclusive, holistic country this is. And share them. What ideas do you have?

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