
reflections. frank bayer

Enjoy the summertime blues

The best way of educating our children is by trying to improve ourselves daily

During the summer, every day seems like it is Sunday, and we often switch off from our jobs while our obligations seem less important. As a result, if you have shared enjoyable holidays with your family, it is hard to change back into the routine. Maybe it is not suitable to talk about depression, but we could say that there is a healthy anxiety because we have benefited from our break. However, the real problem comes if you are not able to control this feeling of emptiness, and you vent your sorrows by complaining about your obligations. In that case, if you live alone, you have to deal with this destructive mentality by yourself, but if you have a child at home, you are not helping him or her to go back to school with a positive attitude.

As you probably know, we bring kids up through example and not because of our epic speeches. So, if kids notice that we hate facing our obligations, we cannot ask them to start school with any personal motivation. So, what is the real problem? If we create a negative atmosphere due to our melancholy following the summer, we should not complain if children get lower marks. Just to make it clear, I am not saying that they are not responsible for their failures –they must learn to justify their actions– but we must take the proper lead. Therefore, we could say that the best way of educating our children is by trying to improve ourselves on a daily basis.

Anyway, we all know that life can be stressful and we cannot behave like perfect machines. I am aware that as an adult who spends the whole time trying to bring your children up properly, you also need a break and take a deep breath, because if you don't, you may have a mental breakdown. This is the reason why you must rest, and, if you find it hard to go back to work, I will give you some useful advice: enjoy the blues. We are happy when we rest because we know that it is going to end. We love living life because we know that one day we are going to die. We love sleeping because we know that we must wake up sooner or later. So, one of the greatest things about working is that you have holidays. As a consequence, when this blessed time is over, you should try to work harder in order to enjoy the next break more. Try it. The blues is the way to find happiness.

In conclusion, if you are in front of the computer reading this article, or you are having breakfast and thinking that you won't have time to rest until Christmas, remember that there is a great song by Eddie Chochran which goes, “Ain't no cure for the summertime blues”. So, enjoy your blues and when you get home, help your children to look forward to going back to school. It is part of our obligation to them and not something we can ignore.

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