
Girona learns to play the game

Discovering Barcelona's modernist past

Josep Abril is a 080 Barcelona regular and mainstay of men's fashion design.  ALBERT OLIVÉ
catalan chic

May you live in interesting times

Custo Dalmau seeing off his 2016 collection at Barcelona 080 Fashion Week  AFP, LLUÍS GENE

Ground floor, men's fashion


A new world of sport

Why choose Barcelona?

Barcelona's ability to host major sporting events, the climate, the number of people and especially the existence of the Olympic complex, were decisive in the choice of Open Camp.In 2011, a group of business...

Following the train tracks by bike

The population of working age will decline

As can be seen in the graph on the left, the population of working age has gradually risen in the past three decades, on the one hand due to the generations born in the 1960s and 1970s coming of age and,...

A growing need for fresh blood

Mireia Farré, in the Idescat HQ.

'Ageing is a main success of our society' Adjusting to a new social model