
BBC's Peaky Blinders is in Wuaky TV's catalogue.  WUAKI TV

Established alternatives

Jessica Casey and Xavier Kaye, with works by Yago Vilamanyà.  ANDREU PUIG

Connecting through art

One of the images in the exhibition: García-Alix's Benedicte (1987)

Face to face: the subtle art of portraiture

Game of Thrones

Girona comes under siege

On September 27 Catalans will get a chance to decide the future of the country in plebiscite elections.  E. M

To the polls

A view of the Sant Ferran castle in Figueres, where filming of the Christian Bale movie is due to take place. /  JOAN SABATER

Love epic to film in Figueres

Joan Tapias and son with posters.  J. FERNÀNDEZ

It began with Cinzano


Aromatic, tasty and cool

A group of young Honduran women meet every Saturday to do CPNL Catalan classes in El Sortidor civic centre in Barcelona.  J.M. RAMOS

A timely warning for all Catalan speakers Catalan losing migrants

A global album