
What’s first for the future government?

Election sees record win for pro-indy bloc

Jordi Oliva - Martí Micas - Noemí Riudor

“Little research has been done on death in the French camps”

Almenar,. Bram Camp,
29-01-1908. 23-05-1939

Antoni Rubinat Susagna

Olvan,. Montreal,
30/06/1887 -. 17/10/1939

Ramon Fígols Costa

Garriguella,. - Perpignan,
19.09.1937. 17.06.1939

Roser Guàrdia Gabarrós

1,685 names

Beyond exile suffering and death in French internment camps (1939-1940)

The cities of the future

A viral campaign