News from El Punt Avui


Laura Luelmo was sexually assaulted

Laura Luelmo’s autopsy revealed that she had been sexually assaulted. Her neighbor, Bernador Montoya, who was arrested on Tuesday, confessed yesterday. Luelmo died after being hit in the head by a heavy...


Gay marriage not in the constitution afterall

The committee drafting the new Cuban constitution eliminated the article that opened the door to same-sex marriage due to alleged opposition. “The comittee proposes defering the concept of marriage,...


Silenci makes it to the Supreme Court

Silenci, Rebel·leu-vos yesterday took their daily protest from Tarragona to Madrid, right up to the doorstep of the Supreme Court and the chamber of the Congress of Deputies in Madrid. Fifty people did...


Llibre to be next vice-president of CEOE

The board of directors of CEOE, at the suggestion of its president, Antonio Garamendi, appointed Josep Sánchez Llibre (president of Foment del Treball) yesterday as vice president of the organization....

Sánchez and Torra meeting on agenda


Oncology surgery with radioactive capsules

In the last three months, surgeons at Barcelona’s Hospital Clinic have operated on a dozen patients with non-palpable tumours by using a new technique to more accurately locate the affected area and...


Disney releases Mary Poppins sequel

While Hollywood is embracing new technologies and creating universes unthinkable just 30 years ago thanks to digital visual effects, The return of Mary Poppins, which arrives in cinemas tomorrow, shows...


Man sentenced over homophobic insults

A Barcelona judge has sentenced a man for shouting homophobic insults in the street. In the sentence, the defendant was found guilty of a crime against the victim’s fundamental rights and sentenced to...


China claims it is not seeking global hegemony


Franco exhumation case to proceed