News from El Punt Avui


Bolsonaro won’t be inviting Cuba and Venezuela

The president-elect of Brazil, the far-right politician Jair Bolsonaro, recalled his invitations to the Presidents of Venezuela and Cuba (Nicolás Maduro and Miguel Díaz-Canel). Initially, the Brazilian...


Wave of protests against new ’slave’ labour law

Hungary has seen a wave of protests against the labour reform. It’s being called the “slave” labour law, because it relaxes the limits on overtime. Budapest was packed with people expressing their...

Observers to attend trial

Poet Lluís Alpera buried in Alicante yesterday

Yesterday Lluís Alpera was buried in Alicante. He was one of the veterans of Catalan poetry in Valencia and the founder of the Department of Catalan Philology at the University of Alicante. Born in Valencia...

Don’t play ball with ultras deal with ultras


Circular economy: valuing waste


Fines to banks who leave flats empty, to TC

Terrassa Council started fining banks which owned flats but left them empty in 2013, based on the Law on the Right to Housing (18/2007). The council managed to get 822 flats rented, of 1,176 identified,...


TV3 Marató cancer donations break records

The TV3 Marató telethon celebrated its twenty-seventh edition yesterday, which this year, was dedicate to raising money for cancer research. The sums raised this year are a new record for the Catalan...


Strange native species

Quimi Portet and Albert Pla’s surreal contributions on TV3’s Natura sàvia (Wise nature) program, filmed in some sort of tinkerer’s workshop, where they expounded theories about weird behaviours...

COP24: Too little, but hopefully not too late

A day late, the UN COP24 climate change summit closed Saturday evening in Katowice, leaving a bittersweet aftertaste for environmental campaigners. A tenuous positive: The representatives of 200 countries...