Amid the deafening fanfare of inconsequential daily news, sometimes a cluster of fateful events, whose full significance may not even be clear at the time, pop up within a relatively short time lapse....

Making perfumes drop by drop
Esperança Casas has rarely repeated a perfume. Only in very exceptional cases has she decided not to destroy a formula and make it a second time, and from each of the perfumes she has repeated she remembers...

The best meat in the world
Incredible things happen in Barcelona. Proof of that is Hiroki Ito’s recent visit from Japan. Ito represents the third generation of the Ito Ranch, located in Mie Prefecture, the only farm to supply...

The sinking of Atlantis
When Jacint Verdaguer burst into the Saló de Cent at the 1865 Jocs florals dressed in traditional Catalan costume, he caused a sensation. The intellectuals of the Catalan cultural renaixença hailed this young man from the countryside writing a fine Catalan a peasant poet

A story in need of a happy ending
Despite the much-needed boost for the film industry provided by ’Oppenheimer’ and ’Barbie’, pre-pandemic viewer numbers remain way out of reach
News from El Punt Avui
Catalans abroad

Mireia Vilanova. marcela topor. mtopor@cataloniatoday.cat
is a Barcelona-born, LA-based producer working in film, TV and digital media. She has led numerous projects in the US and Europe that have screened at top-tier festivals such as Tribeca, the Santa Barbara International Film Festival, Outfest and Palms Springs ShortFest, among others. She is currently in pre-production on her debut feature, I Live Here Now, directed by Julie Pacino