
TC denies freedom to hunger strikers

A plenary session of the Constitutional Tribunal (TC) has ruled to uphold the suspension of political functions by the Supreme Court last year, of president-in-exile Carles Puigdemont, jailed ex-vice-president Oriol Junqueras, counsellors Raül Romeva, Jordi Turull and Josep Rull, as well as former president of the ANC, Jordi Sànchez. Whilst the plenary did not revoke the suspension, it decided to delay ruling on whether or not the suspension was constitutional, or not, claiming it was “not the right time, procedurally”, for this, as it might pre-judge rulings to come later in the process. The TC once again denied freedom for Sànchez, Turull and Rull, the three of whom have been on hunger strike for the last two weeks, protesting the fact that the obstructionism of the Constitutional Tribunal has meant that their access to the European Court of Human Rights is blocked. The ruling regarding their liberty alleged that the conditions which led to their being on remand in custody have not changed. Meanwhile, they continue to allege they are not seen as equal before the law, as is their right. Josep Lluís Trapero, former head of the Catalan Police, is currently at liberty, despite the National Court seeking a sentence for him which is longer than what the Supreme Court seeks for them.

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