
A publicity shot for The Hollow Crown, the BBC series based on Shakespeare's plays. /  ARCHIVE

Bard on the box

Images of the show El Bressol de la Humaniatat, at CosmoCaixa.  ANDREU DALMAU/ EFE

Origins and evolution

The silence of Sugimoto's black and white landscapes.  ELISABETH MAGRE E. MAGRE

Where concept meets the sublime

Image from a a new video game inspired by Cervantes' Quixote, created by a team from the University of Girona

'Every man is the son of his own works'

Shakespeare's most famous sonnet

A sonnet of celebration in perspective

Hamlet at Teatre Lliure

Praising the playwright

Water sluices being fully-opened at the Llosa del Cavall reservoir in Solsonès last December.  ACA

Half empty or half full?

Farmers are worried about cereals not developing sufficient roots because the weather has not been cold enough. Santi Iglesias

Grain harvest under threat

Taking plant samples

Remaining vigilant

The forest fire in Albinyana, in Baix Penedès, at the start of January, which behaved in a similar manner to a fire in June, according to the fire service. Winter forest fires are becoming more common due to the effects of climate change, argue experts.  EFE

The risk of fire