
It has been a record winter in Catalonia in terms of warm average temperatures and scarce rainfall.  EFE

Searching the sky

Stratford-upon-Avon is the birthplace of William Shakespeare and his house stands there to this day (pictured). /  ARCHIVE
The English Culture Club

In the home of Shakespeare

The room in the Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya where some of the most emblematic works of Ramon Casas are on display.

Casas commemorated

A history of love

Catalonia's Museu d'Història presents different visions of love and marriage throughout the ages in the exhibition, T'estimo?, which runs until May 22

Part of the exhibition, Documents d'acció. Obres de les col·leccions Denney i Cordier (1947-1965) at the Fundació Tàpies. /  ANDREU PUIG

How Tàpies found his voice

Toni Catany

A season packed with art

Industrial robots working alongside people in a Japanese factory

Robots gaining popularity in Catalan homes A helping hand

The Cure

Sounds of 2016

The electric car has gone from being a futuristic dream to a present reality, as more vehicles are registered every year. / EFE

An intelligent alternative

Sáenz de Santamaría and Fernández Díaz walk out after announcing the results of the general election on December 20.  ÁNGEL DÍAZ / EFE

No clear winner means a lot talking