
Toni Catany

A season packed with art

Industrial robots working alongside people in a Japanese factory

Robots gaining popularity in Catalan homes A helping hand

The Cure

Sounds of 2016

The electric car has gone from being a futuristic dream to a present reality, as more vehicles are registered every year. / EFE

An intelligent alternative

Sáenz de Santamaría and Fernández Díaz walk out after announcing the results of the general election on December 20.  ÁNGEL DÍAZ / EFE

No clear winner means a lot talking


Soundtracks of a nation

Tesla Model S, with a range of 380 km, is also considered the safest car in the world

Luxury sector also opts for electric


Recharging batteries


Cars that are cheap at twice the price


Reforming timetables for the benefit of everyone