News from El Punt Avui


Call for limits for betting ads before the watershed

The Audiovisual Council of Catalonia (CAC in Catalan) and the Doctors of Catalonia Council (CCMC in Catalan) have called for urgent regulations on publicity and online gambling before the watershed after...


Wave of extreme cold freezes US midwest

An arctic air mass is passing over the USA midwest, where a state of emergency has been declared in the face of a record-breaking drop in temperature (with potential drops to minus 40). The region has...

The Lliure theatre revolutionized

On February 1, Juan Carlos Martel is to take on the role of director of the Lliure theatre.That very day he is to meet with the business committee; study how to attract companies to increase contributions...


Russian found murdered was clairvoyant

Vasili Korchagin, the Russian who apparently disappeared in Llinars del Vallès and was assassinated on November 24 with two large rocks wrapped around his body in the Boadella reservoir, was a well-known...

Espanyol look to appease woes with good Cup run

In the middle of a string of bad league results that has seen them fall to only three points above the relegation places, Espanyol tonight visit Betis in the King’s Cup quarterfinal second leg at the...


VTC decree approved, peace not guaranteed

The Catalan Government yesterday approved a decree on urgent measures in the field of passenger transport through the rental of vehicles with a driver (VTC), which establishes the operating conditions...

Spain among most corrupt EU States


Police made enquiries about Es-Satty prior to attacks

Add embezzlement and stir

Mobile Week is coming to Catalonia

Mobile Week, the prelude to the World Mobile Congress, will spread reflections about technologies’ impact on society beyond Barcelona, to Girona, Lleida, Reus, Igualada, and in the Ribera d’Ebre, in...