News from El Punt Avui


Oncology surgery with radioactive capsules

In the last three months, surgeons at Barcelona’s Hospital Clinic have operated on a dozen patients with non-palpable tumours by using a new technique to more accurately locate the affected area and...


Disney releases Mary Poppins sequel

While Hollywood is embracing new technologies and creating universes unthinkable just 30 years ago thanks to digital visual effects, The return of Mary Poppins, which arrives in cinemas tomorrow, shows...


Man sentenced over homophobic insults

A Barcelona judge has sentenced a man for shouting homophobic insults in the street. In the sentence, the defendant was found guilty of a crime against the victim’s fundamental rights and sentenced to...


China claims it is not seeking global hegemony


Franco exhumation case to proceed


Bolsonaro won’t be inviting Cuba and Venezuela

The president-elect of Brazil, the far-right politician Jair Bolsonaro, recalled his invitations to the Presidents of Venezuela and Cuba (Nicolás Maduro and Miguel Díaz-Canel). Initially, the Brazilian...


Wave of protests against new ’slave’ labour law

Hungary has seen a wave of protests against the labour reform. It’s being called the “slave” labour law, because it relaxes the limits on overtime. Budapest was packed with people expressing their...

Observers to attend trial

Poet Lluís Alpera buried in Alicante yesterday

Yesterday Lluís Alpera was buried in Alicante. He was one of the veterans of Catalan poetry in Valencia and the founder of the Department of Catalan Philology at the University of Alicante. Born in Valencia...

Don’t play ball with ultras deal with ultras