

Strong winds cause four-metre waves

Strong winds shook Catalonia yesterday, with the authorities warning people not to approach beaches or breakwaters as large waves battered the coastline. The storm caused four-metre high waves, with some over seven metres, as in Begur, where one wave measured 7.03 metres. The wind was particularly strong in the coastal counties, with a speeds of 80 km/h recorded in the Fabra weather station in Barcelona, 76.3 km/h in Cabrils (Maresme), 75.2 km/h in Barcelona's port and 64.1 km/h in Parets del Vallès.

The forecast is for even stronger winds in the coming hours –especially in Barcelonès, Maresme, Vallès Oriental and Selva– and they could reach speeds of 90 km/h. Catalonia's meteorological office, the Servei Meteorològic, has also forecast a storm on the way in the early hours, which could leave 20 litres per square metre of rainfall in just half an hour.

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