
from the editor

marcela topor. mtopor@cataloniatoday.cat

A historic 12 months behind and ahead

A year ago, we predicted 2015 would be a turning point for the country. It looks as if that forecast has come true. Three elections in one year have transformed the political scene. The extraordinary combination of events is reflected in our 2015 review, which focuses on key moments in the year, such as the victory of the pro-independence bloc in the Catalan parliament, or the sovereignty resolution beginning the process towards creating a Catalan state. With the Spanish government determined to frustrate Catalan ambitions, and difficulties in agreeing on a president, we will no doubt see more political activity in 2016 as Catalonia continues with its bid for independence.

Yet, the year we leave behind was not just about politics. As the economy showed signs of recovery, the threat of terrorist violence raised its ugly head, culminating in the Paris attacks that left hundreds dead and injured. Meanwhile, Europe had to deal with thousands of desperate refugees pouring across its eastern borders, creating a migrant crisis and leading to the re-emergence of xenophobic attitudes and parties.

Despite the doom and gloom, the holiday season is almost here; a time to celebrate with family and friends. So, we wish our readers the best Christmas, and we'll be back in the New Year with more news about Catalonia in English. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

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