
Rajoy prioritizes application of law enforcement to politics

Politics cannot be an alternative to applying the law, “this is a profoundly anti-democratic expression”. Thus replied Mariano Rajoy to Artur Mas' reproaches that his only response to N-9 has been to instigate a legal offensive through a criminal complaint against the Catalan President, vice-president Joan Ortega and Minister Irene Rigau rather than prioritizing dialogue with the Catalan government.

CiU spokesperson to the Spanish Parliament, Josep Lluís Cleries, took this opportunity to demand the head of the Spanish government provide solutions rather than pushing the State Attorney General to criminalize what was in fact a “political complaint”. The Catalan leader highlighted the “contamination” of the juridical body due to statements by various heads of the PP in the days prior to the complaint, following the resistance of the Catalans prosecutors. This provoked an angry response from Rajoy, who reiterated that he had at no time “given instructions” to the Public Prosecutor, who had “acted independently”. He also warned Cleries that such accusations canot be made “without proof, without data and without telling people the truth”.

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