
A new policy for a new state

The president of the Generalitat, Artur Mas, presented to society (though he did so only before a political audience) his personal project, his road map for this final stretch that the country has embarked on since 9-N. The map also has to lead to the chance to definitively and clearly discover if there is a majority of the public in Catalonia favourable to independence. Mas's presentation was clear and detailed in terms of all the steps needed to take. From the analysis of these premises it can be concluded, fundamentally, that in this decisive period of the History of Catalonia, the decisions adopted need to have binding electoral support and be easily identifiable on a winning list. To obtain this electoral support there is a need to set aside the current conception of political play as something purely partisan. The generosity of shared ideals needs to be put before the interests of parties or political figures.

President Mas's proposal is solid because is offers a term, limits and a schedule that is very specific and that sets the horizon of 2016. It is solid and it is flexible to the point that its own sponsor offers to give up the leadership. But it is not exempt from risks. The most important of its weaknesses is not knowing whether the country's political stitches will be able to resist such a radical change of paradigm, and whether the energy of civil society could be channeled in this direction. The challenge is not small, and neither is this historic moment and it would be too daring to risk the process choking from the inside due to the current window of opportunity not being open for ever.

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