
CIU and ERC parties agree social fund worth 88 million euros

This year's budget will have a strong social and national character thanks to yesterday's agreement between CiU and ERC. On the one hand, an 88-million euro fund destined for social issues will be created and, on the other, the budget will priroritise the creation of state structures, such as a tax office and social security system. The budget will be voted on February 4 and 5.

After intense negotiations, CiU and ERC announced total agreement, giving the green light to a project that seemed unlikely before the summit between Artur Mas and Oriol Junqueras and the country's leading civil associations. One of the most important aspects agreed between the nationalists and the republicans is an increase in funds for social policy. The 88 million euros will go towards increasing financial support as part of the law of dependency and to the energy poverty fund. Money will also go to job creation and the construction and improvement of schools. Moreover, for the first time, school dinner grants will be created for nursery schools. The new social fund will come from the reduction in interest that the Generalitat has to pay to the Spanish government.

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