

December 7 demo planned for Brussels

There is a date for the demonstration in Brussels: Thursday December 7, said the vice president of the Catalan National Assembly, Agustí Alcoberro, at the protest in Barcelona yesterday. Many in favour and against independence, but all opposing the repression of the Spanish state, have been calculating the logistics of taking their demands to the European capital.

The independence movement shows no signs of slowing down and seems to have plenty of energy to demonstrate, as yesterday’s protest in the Catalan capital showed. “As long as there is a single prisoner we will keep demonstrating,” vowed Alcoberro.

Meanwhile, pro-sovereignty groups called on people to turn their protest into votes in the December 21 election. “Today, the social majority of this country has come out to demand dignity for our institutions and the return of our self-government,” said ERC MP Roger Torrent.”

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