

Siberian cold front to bring snow this week

A very cold front is expected over the next few days, especially on Tuesday and Wednesday. According to Catalonia’s meteorology service, Meteocat, and confirmed by TV3 weatherman, Francesc Mauri, a “first category snowstorm” is about to hit.

A mass of especially cold air from Siberia is due tomorrow and is expected to last until Thursday, and it is expected to cover a good part of Europe, including Catalonia, where temperatures are set to plummet. When another, more humid, mass of air collides with the cold front, we have the necessary cocktail for snow all over the country.

While yesterday the models did not agree on the reach or duration of the snowfall, they all suggested that the cold weather, and the snow, would begin in the south and spread north over the next couple of days. The last great snowstorm to affect the whole country was on March 8 in 2010.

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