

Mixed teams a must at HP: “the result is spectacular”

Hewlett Packards adoption of “mixed teams” both within the company and in contracted companies began some years ago in the US and has paid off in every aspect. The first US project was an advertising campaign which reaped unexpected results and backed the philosophy of the company’s global marketing manager, Antonio Lucio. Since then, all HP units have adopted campaigns based on demographics and sociological analysis of the region the company is working in. The initial US campaign was based especially on religious and cultural diversity issues. In Spain the emphasis has been based on gender and to increase the role of women within the company’s teams.

“The result is spectacular, ads have a special sensitivity, there have been campaigns in which a simple printer makes you cry, “ says the Sant Cugat director Eva Blanco who adds that “In society we are half and half but 90% of the objects are designed by men, if we want to continue to innovate meaningfully, we must have female talent.” The policy has led to company Code Wars, an annual even to attract talent. Pro-active management policies also help to make women aware that there is a need for them at management level.

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