

Jordi Cabré among winners at the Nit de Santa Llúcia awards

It was third time lucky for Jordi Cabré. After being a finalist twice for the Sant Jordi novel prize, the writer won the award yesterday for Digues un desig. Maite Carranza is another usual suspect at the annual awards, who yesterday got the Joaquim Ruyra prize for youth literature, for L’alè del drac. Meanwhile, Carles Rebassa walked away with the Carles Riba poetry prize for Sons bruts, and Víctor García Tur took the Mercè Rodoreda narrative award for El país dels cecs. Finally, debutant, Núria Franquet, got the Josep M. Folch i Torres prize for children’s literature for La Liang dins del quadre.

In front of a poster of Òmnium Cultural head Jordi Cuixart and his phrase “they will never be able to imprison ideas,” the vice president of the association that organises the Nit de Santa Llúcia, Marcel Mauri, in the presentation of the annual award ceremony reminded the press that it has been “424 days that Cuixart has been unjustly imprisoned,” before announcing this year’s prizewinners.

Òmnium Cultural also awards two Nit de Santa Llúcia prizes unrelated to literature. This year, the Muriel Casals prize for communication went to producer Jaume Roures and journalist Tatxo Benet, while the international Joan B. Cendrós prize went to Finnish TV journalist, Pertti Pesonen.

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