

Foster families needed in Catalonia

Adoptions of children of international origin in Catalonia are at a 20 year low. Last year 153 infants were adopted, which showed a slight increase year-on-year compared to 2016, but still represents a steady decline from the high of over 1,500 children in 2004. However, there are still more families looking to adopt than there are adoptable children. Fostering however, sees the opposite problem, where around 700 Catalan families are currently hosting 900 children. Agnès Russiñol of the Catalan Institute for Fostering and Adoption (ICAA) says much more must be done in terms of “permanent campaigns and knowledge-building around fostering” which she says “is misunderstood” in Catalonia. Only 54% of Catalans are said to know what fostering entails, or be familiar with related government incentives and strategies, compared to adoption which is much better understood.

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